
  • XIX edición de las becas para estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad de Fundación Universia. Curso 2024-2025
    XIX edición de las becas para estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad de Fundación Universia. Curso 2024-2025

Services and Programmes

Solidarity and volunteering activities at UVa

If you are interested in social volunteering, find out more here.

Support for people with disabilities

Support Service for members of the University Community with disabilities and/or specific educational support needs.

Equality Unit

Access the specific service in charge of implementing equality planning and monitoring compliance.

Development cooperation

Organ in charge of coordinating, promoting and encouraging research and teaching work in the field of development cooperation. Find out more here.

UVa Childcare

The UVa Childcare is a nursery school whose aim is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of children, attending to their needs in an atmosphere of security, affection and trust.

Intergenerational relations

Programmes of shared accommodation, coexistence, activities, cycles and conferences, to facilitate understanding and understanding between generations. Find out more here.

Addiction Prevention

Find out more about the programme for the 2020-2021 academic year (with academic recognition).

Sexual and Gender Diversity

Institutional commitment to tolerance of diversity and good practice in this area.

Psychological counselling

Access here to the free, anonymous and confidential service whose objective is to improve the psychological of the UVa University Community.

Mentoring programmes at UVa centres

If you are interested in participating in mentoring programmes to support incoming students, find out more here.

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